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Games Design Document

Welcome to my game design document! Use the drop down links beneath the heading to explore each page.

Game Design Document: Welcome

Game name - Change Our Fate

The main themes of the game are environmentalism, transformation, problem solving and decision making. It's an educational game aiming to inform people of the effects and preventative measure of climate change.

Essential Experience

This game challenges the player to think critically and empathetically through problem solving. Their actions have visual consequences on the game world and its inhabitants educating the player on the alarming effects of climate change as well as ways they can create change as individuals. 


The players moral compass is put to the test when faced with thought provoking environmental and ethical problems, that when tackled cause the transformation of the game world.


Major - Prototypes found here.

Minor - User interface found on this page

GDD Contents

Use the tabs under "Games Design Document" to navigate through these following pages:


Overview - This page contains the synopsis, the unique selling point, genre, a description of the player experiences, the target audience, ESRB rating and platform. 


Narrative - The story and player interaction as well as a diagram illustrating how the dialogue system works.


Gameplay - Game challenges and examples, measuring success and game outcomes.


Mechanics - Navigation and controls, dialogue and NPC interaction, and inventory and item collection. 


Design - The design goals for the environment and character as well as sound and my minor foci - UI design.


Marketing - Logo design as well as posters, the trailer and the one page investor pitch. 


Prototypes - My major foci; prototypes illustrating the transformation of the visual environment.


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