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Environment Changes


The game will begin within an environment that is clearly suffering the effects of climate change but it hasn't yet reached the point where there is no hope of recovery. There has to be opportunity for the player to help reverse the damage and the outcomes for whether they fail or succeed to do that must be visually expressed. Therefore I must decide how I want the three environment stages to look; healthy, dying and dead to put it simply.

A world that is suffering will look like this...

Above are examples of how climate change is beginning to change our planet. For example many places suffer with drought, disabling water access for many communities and wildlife, and killing green life. Along side rising temperatures, drought and prolonged lack of rainfall contribute to mass forest fires causing thousands of people having to escape their homes and suffering poverty. Extreme weather such as tornados and mass flooding destroy communities. These situations evoke fear in society and cause them to act rationally by raiding supermarkets, becoming violent and doing other terrible, unethical things.

The two outcomes of the game will have stark differences; recovery and devastation.

This is what that devastation could look like...

Eventually as temperatures continue to rise, causing extreme weather and unsuitable living conditions, millions of people will be displaced and be poverty-stricken. The economy will not survive and resources will become sparse. Countries will begin to fight over whats left causing devastation for many people. As the ozone layer breaks away, people will not be able to travel outdoors without coverings to protect from the suns radiation and the atmosphere will become unsuitable for respiration.

This is what the recovery should look like...

The recovered scene would present how humanity is taking action to take care of our planet and prevent global warming. Life will be green and wildlife thriving. It would showcase the methods that we can take to make changes both individually and as a collective such as using sustainable power, giving back to the environment and communicating effectively with those who have power to make the monumental differences.


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