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Preparing for a Climate Crisis (Research and ideation to support my game objective)


Updated: Jan 15, 2021

The main objective of the game and driving motivation for the player is to collect a number of items on a list. The list will contain 10 items that will assist in the survival and well-being during a crisis. This includes items such as non perishables and methods to fight off the cold without power. However, all objects must appropriately support the narrative and environment in my game so I need to establish clearly what that is.

How much damage can climate change do to our environment and society? And how will I present this?

1. Extreme weather leading to power outages, floods and in turn crippling health and transport systems.

2. Higher temperatures decrease crop yield, makes farming more difficult and therefore will cause undernutrition in places, and at least drive up costs of food in others.

3. Increased temperature alongside more rain means humidity which catalyses the transmission of diseases.

4. Higher temperature, increased pollution and disease will cause mental health issues for many as well as causing respiratory problems for people.

5. Rising sea levels and droughts will cause water shortages.

6. Widespread poverty

7. In turn of all these things, employment will decrease rapidly impacting the economy and chaos will eventually ensue as these extremities worsen.

8. There will be more wars as countries fight over limited resources.

My main character lives with family far out from the city in a poorer town that has gone without power for months on end and there's no sign that help is coming. The streets of the city are plagued by ransackers and anarchists. A member of the family is sick and in need of medicine so it is essential that the character takes this journey. The severity of the changes has resulted in an unstable society and it is unclear who can and cannot be trusted.

Essential items for an emergency...

  1. first aid kit

  2. prescription medicines

  3. water purifier

  4. clothing

  5. blankets

  6. material for shelter

  7. cash

  8. non perishable food

  9. radio

  10. batteries

  11. torch

  12. matches

  13. multitool

  14. rope

  15. candles

  16. water

  17. fuel

  18. sun protection

  19. compass

  20. solar charger

Not all of these will be necessary for the narrative. I need to include a variation of items of higher and lower importance to measure the players success at retrieving them so I want to include some luxury items that would not be as useful but will force the player to take more consideration about what they collect as it will be limited.

The possible in-game list:

  1. Tarp - to fix a hole in the roof of the house

  2. Medicine - for sick family member

  3. Tinned food

  4. Matches

  5. Batteries

  6. Blankets

  7. Veg

Items such as soap and chocolate are not as important for their survival and well-being whereas the tarp and medicine are of great importance.

The success will be measured by assigning a value to the items on the list. The player will only be able to carry 7 objects and not all of them need to be list items but might assist against obstacles in the game, able to trade for other items with npc's or might have more value than listed items.

Here is a concept piece for the list of items. The list has been scrawled down on a scrap piece of paper.


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