To create the challenges and events in my game, the context must be appropriate to the purpose which is to educate users on the effects and preventative measures for climate change. Therefore, I need to establish what methods we can all partake in as individuals to collectively make positive change.
What can we do day-to-day to help our planet?
Water use. Limit the use of water by not keeping taps running.
Plastic use. Limit plastic use, don't buy unnecessary plastic such as bottled water and don't buy single use plastic.
Limit use of electricity and don't keep multiple devices running. Our country uses some methods of creating power that are not sustainable and create pollution.
Grow own food and plant more. Growing our own food is beneficial to ourselves and the environment because we are spending less on supermarket food that requires a lot of transport and carbon emissions.
Use solar panels to create our own sustainable power.
Do not litter and make sure to dispose of waste cleanly. Do not pollute our waters or environments.
Be kind. Treat people with kindness and they are more likely to do the same and act with more consideration of others.
Talk about climate change! Educate each-other. Start movements.
Eat less meat and dairy to reduce carbon emissions caused by farming.
Walk or cycle. Reduce unnecessary travel.
Take care of our green spaces and wildlife
Green Energy sources to use for environment designs.
Solar Power
How can I present sustainability methods in game?
The challenges in the game involve the player making decisions that are usually either moral or immoral. The moral option is beneficial for the environment but not always the character so the player has to decide which is more important. To moral option will involve a method of keeping our planet clean and helping it recover. There will also be environment and NPC interactions that will provide dialogue about ways we can help our planet.
Here are some ideas for how i could present this...
Saving or killing trapped wildlife
Stealing or asking for resources
Choosing to act selfishly and take resources for oneself or sharing them with somebody else who is struggling
Taking polluting transport or walking/cycling
Taking meat/dairy as a resource or home grown food instead
Taking litter from the environment - this should take up an inventory slot so wouldn't be perceivably beneficial for the player because it may prevent them from collecting the objective items.
NPC use of solar power provides helpful dialogue
The recovered 'win' scenario presents the change from industrial power sources to green.
Re-purpose items in the narrative
Include dialogue where the player has the option to encourage sustainable methods.